How to Reduce Holiday Stress

How to reduce holiday stress
Holiday stress…we have all felt it, experienced it and most likely dreaded it. It is supposed to be the most joyous, happiest time of year but doesn’t always feel like that.
Here are some tips on how to handle holiday stress with greater ease:
1. Write in your journal
Now is a good time to sit down, take a deep breath, and write in your journal to help you get organized and remember what the holidays are really about. First, write down everything that needs to be handled. Then identify things that you can let go of or delegate to someone else. Even if you need to handle everything, taking the time to write it all down will help you feel less overwhelmed.
Think of your family and friends that you will be spending the holidays with and write what you are grateful for about each person. How do they contribute positively to your life? This can help you remember what the holidays are really about: celebration and gratitude for our family and friends.
2. Keep things in perspective
Rather than truly celebrating family and friends, we often get caught up in how things “look.” We worry about the holiday cards, or whether our hair and outfits look alright, or if we ordered enough pies for everyone. When you start to spiral into worry, go back to your list of family and friend names and why you’re grateful for these people, does it really matter if your pie has the perfect crust? Consciously choosing gratitude and joy will create positive situations and bring you closer to those you love.
3. Learn to say “no”
Ever feel like you have a million events to attend over the holiday season? Work parties, friends get together events, lunches, dinners; also known as every weekend booked? Guess what? Sometimes you just need to say no.
If spending quality time with your husband and children during the holidays is important to you, then make the time. Choose the events that you want to attend, and say “no” to the rest. Be more organized about the shopping, start way ahead as opposed to waiting to the last minute. Be empowered in what you are deciding to celebrate this year.
4. Make it a holiday for YOU
It is crucial for your well-being to learn what is important to you, and to prioritize these things during the chaotic holiday season. It’s important to be very real and honest about the things that you never enjoy doing and yet, you still do them over and over again. You allow these situations to destroy your peace every single year. What would happen if you spoke up and said, “stop”? Make the holidays something different this year; make it a holiday for you, for how you feel.
Try it and do your best not to feel obligated. If you feel guilty, engage with that experience with compassion and kindness for yourself. Remember, everybody is caught in the whirlwind of the holidays and the guilt of it all. We are all doing the best we can, so it’s nobody’s fault. But, you are in charge of what this holiday season could be for you and your family.
So, I invite you to be in a state of celebration for yourself this holiday season. With intentional actions, which are ultimately actions of love for yourself and the people who are important to you, you can make this year a true celebration, a true holiday, a true honoring of each other, peace, joy, and well-being.